“Put him in prison”, demands ex-actress Stormy Daniels from American justice

The former American president, who was found guilty Thursday of accounting falsification for having concealed a payment intended to buy the silence of the former porn actress, will receive his sentence on July 11.



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Former pornographic actress Stormy Daniels on March 21, 2024 in New York.  (JAMES DEVANEY / GC IMAGES / AFP)

Stormy Daniels, at the heart of the affair which led to Donald Trump being found guilty in criminal proceedings, called on Saturday June 1 for American justice to incarcerate the former President of the United States, and candidate for the next presidential election. “Put him in prison. (…) I believe he should be sentenced to prison and community service for the less fortunate, or serve as a voluntary punching bag in a women’s shelter”declared the former porn actress to the British newspaper’s website Daily Mirrorduring his first interview since the New York court’s decision on Thursday.

Stormy Daniels, 45, claims she had a sexual relationship with Donald Trump in 2006, which he denies. To keep her silent, she was paid $130,000 just before the 2016 presidential election, in which the billionaire was elected. It was this payment, disguised as legal fees, which resulted in the business magnate being found guilty by a New York jury, a historic conviction for a former American head of state.

Testify in court “was so intimidating, with the jurors looking at you, but as I said before, I told the truth all the time”assured Stormy Daniels Daily Mirror. The testimony of the ex-actress was one of the high points of the trial. She notably recounted in detail this sexual relationship, according to her consensual but where the “balance of power” was “imbalance”. Donald Trump denies the existence of this episode.

“It’s not over for me (…) it will never be over for me”, she declared, affirming that she will have to “always live with this heritage”. “I don’t know what the sentence might be or what Trump will even understand,” she added, while Donald Trump faces up to four years in prison.

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