78-year-old pensioner reported missing in Planfoy

The gendarmes of the Loire are looking for a 78-year-old retiree in the Planfoy sector south of Saint-Etienne. Suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, she has not given a sign of life since this Friday, August 5 in the morning.

It was his home help who gave the alert on Friday, August 5 in the morning. The 78-year-old lady is not in her house in Planfoy, in the Loire. She alerts her family, and very quickly the gendarmes go on the spot. Research then begins, and continues this weekend. This Saturday, August 6, a Saint-Hubert dog is mobilized as well as the nautical brigade of the gendarmerie, to probe the water bodies of Pilat.

The missing wears a Clear T-shirta blue pants and a necklace with a heart-shaped pendant.

If you see it, contact the gendarmes by dialing 17 or the gendarmerie of Saint Genest Malifaux on 04 77 51 20 84

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