$600 Autographed Special Edition | Bob Dylan’s publisher apologizes for printed dedications

(New York) The publishing house that published Bob Dylan’s most recent book, The Philosophy of Modern Songwill refund customers who purchased a $600 autographed special edition, since the signatures were actually printed and not individually autographed.

“To everyone who purchased the limited edition THE PHILOSOPHY OF MODERN SONG, we want to apologize,” publishing house Simon & Schuster wrote on Instagram on Sunday.

“The limited edition copies did contain Bob’s original signature, but in replica format (with a signature machine). We are taking action now by offering a refund to all customers. »

This statement from Simon & Schuster was released after several buyers complained about the autographs. By comparing different books, thanks to the transmission belt that is social networks, they quickly pointed out that the different copies were extremely similar – perhaps even too similar.

Upon delivery, each book was accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity from Simon & Schuster President Jonathan Karp, who vouched for the authenticity of the signatures.

The Philosophy of Modern Songin which Dylan recounts the creative process behind several songs, ranging from Your Cheatin’Heart from Hank Williams to The Pretender by Jackson Browne, was released on November 1.

A spokesperson for Dylan declined to comment when contacted by The Associated Press on Monday.

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