5 simple exercises of facial gymnastics to fight against this natural process!

Are you looking for natural solutions to fight against skin aging and to tone your face? We have the solution for you !

Recognized for its beneficial effects on the quality and elasticity of the skin, facial gymnastics is gaining more and more followers around the world. Several major cosmetic brands even offer tutorial videos on their websites, such as Nivea or Dr Pierre Ricaud. Because yes, creams are not enough to prevent the first signs of aging.

Did you know ? A poor lifestyle, bad beauty practices or hormonal changes can be the cause of premature aging of the skin. Consult a dermatologist if necessary.

Also ideal for relaxing, these facial gymnastics exercises can be done at any time of the day: in transport, at the office or just before going to bed… It’s up to you to find the right time to do them!

Did you know ? Facial gym exercises allow the production of collagen and elastin, essential for having toned and hydrated skin.

In practice, what is facial gymnastics?

Facial gymnastics allows you to perform self-massages, but also exercises to tension and relax the muscles of your face. Most of the time, these exercises are performed in sets of ten, every other day, with or without cream. The technique is very simple: we stretch the muscles of the face, we stay in tension for five to ten seconds, and we relax.

Depending on the condition of your skin, these techniques may have more or less effect. On the other hand, these exercises are always good to take because they make it possible to work the fifty muscles of our face, sometimes little used.

Here are some examples of exercises to implement as soon as possible:

  • To prevent facial sagging

The first signs of sagging generally appear at the level of the oval of the face. Thus, it is advisable to work the digastric muscle, sticking out the tongue as far as possible in front of you.

Another exercise: closed mouth, place your fist under your chin. Try to open your mouth by pushing on the fist. Ideal for reducing a double chin and restoring curves to your face!

  • To redesign your face

To redraw your face, you will have to work the orbicularis muscle of the mouth, and thus raise your cheekbones, more or less prominent depending on the individual. To do this, we advise you to smile as much as possible, with your mouth closed.

To plump up your cheeks and curb the appearance of crow’s feet, we also advise you to gently pull the skin around the eyes and temples backwards, while projecting the jaw forward.

  • To reduce wrinkles around the mouth and on the forehead

To fight against wrinkles around the mouth, nothing could be simpler: close your mouth and try to swell the area above the upper lip. You can also form an O with your lips, while projecting them forward and contracting the muscles around the lips.

To reduce frown lines, raise your eyebrows as high as possible, then release.

  • To fight against fine lines and redefine the eye contour

To relax your eyes, it is advisable to blink and open your eyes wide. You can also put your index fingers on your upper eyelids, then blink very hard.

  • To firm and refine your neck

To work the large platysmas (the muscles of the neck), you have to lower your lower jaw while stretching your mouth. While making this face, the tendons of your muscles should appear.

You can also stretch your neck by lifting your chin toward the ceiling and advancing your jaw.

Guaranteed tone!

Facial Gymnastics by Catherine Pez, ed. of man, €17.90.


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