466 million euros in fraud in 2023, a record


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Health insurance: 466 million euros of fraud in 2023, a record

Health insurance: 466 million euros of fraud in 2023, a record


Health insurance fraud has never been so high, amounting to 466 million euros in 2023. The damage has doubled in just eight years. In order to combat this phenomenon, Social Security has created a brigade of 60 cyber investigators.

False work stoppages, health centers that charge several times for the same treatment, fictitious ambulance trips… Health Insurance fraud has never been so high, amounting to 466 million euros in 2023, a record revealed Thursday March 28. The damage has doubled in eight years. Hearing aids are the target of new scams. Now fully reimbursed, they have allowed more patients to have access to them. But the crooks smelled the seam: in just three months, 21.3 million euros in fraud were detected.

Recover 500 million euros in 2024

Health insurance deception also happens online. In a few clicks, and for of the’money, you can get a fake prescription or a fake sick leave. Social Security created a brigade of 60 cyber-investigators, who infiltrated the internet in order to fight against these frauds. The objective is to recover 500 million euros in 2024, or 34 million euros more than last year.

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