The Le Refuge foundation’s barometer, published Thursday, indicates that the sporting environment and schools “remain areas greatly subject to discrimination”.
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44% of French people surveyed believe that LGBT+ people “are still not well accepted within society”according to a survey conducted by BVAXsight and the Le Refuge Foundation, published on Thursday, June 27. They are 54% among left-wing sympathizers, 52% among rural dwellers and 49% among women. In the other direction, only 8% of those surveyed think the opposite. The authors of this survey therefore estimate that the French “are very mixed” on this issue. This barometer on the situation of LGBTphobia in France focuses in particular on the situation of young people.
In detail, the investigation highlights the sporting environment and the school which “remain spheres greatly subject to discrimination”so only a third of French people think that LGBT+ people “benefit from good inclusion within these two environments”. On the other hand, the world of work seems slightly more favorable, with 44% of French people considering that LGBT+ people are well accepted there.
According to the results of this survey, support for LGBT+ people “appears” to move back, in relation to “the positive dynamics observed between 2020 and 2023”a period during which there was a decrease in homophobic or transphobic remarks and/or behavior. Today, 21% of people consider that LGBT-phobic remarks should not be condemned, a figure up 3 points.
The French people surveyed continue to widely condemn the “rejecting behaviors that parents might have towards their LGBT+ child”they are 65% but it is still 6 points less over a year. “The intensity of this condemnation is diminishing,” regret the authors of this barometer. Gender transition still raises just as many, if not more, questions, less than one in two French people are hostile to the opposition that some parents may formulate regarding their child’s transition, they are 48%, a drop of 8 points compared to the results of the barometer published last year.
Concerning young transgender people, they would be even more exposed to discrimination for six out of ten French people who think that they would have more difficulty finding a job (62%), compared to 39% for young homosexuals and 32% for bisexuals. . Finally, regarding simplified refugee status for LGBT+ people in danger in their country, 37% today (33% in April 2023) of French people are opposed to it, a figure which reaches 66% among far-right sympathizers, 72 % of left-wing supporters are in favor.
Methodology: 1,500 people responded to this survey carried out online from June 3 to 5 by BVAXsight and the Le Refuge foundation. The representativeness of the sample is ensured by the quota method applied to the following variables: sex, age, profession of the reference person of the household and of the person interviewed, region and category of urban area.