330 confirmed cases in France, 3,200 worldwide

The majority of cases have been identified in Ile-de-France.

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The number of cases continues to rise. France has identified 330 confirmed cases of infection with the monkeypox virus since the appearance of the disease on the territory, announced Public Health France, Thursday, June 23. So far, no deaths have been reported.

> > The article to read to understand monkeypox

The previous report dated Tuesday reported 277 cases, including, for the first time, a woman. In the case of this “young woman”said the health agency, “partner (untested) reported he had a rash 3 weeks prior”.

Of all the cases observed in France, there are “227 in Ile-de-France, 22 in Occitanie, 21 in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, 19 in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, 14 in Hauts-de-France, 14 in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, 6 in Normandy , 3 in Brittany, 1 in Centre-Val de Loire, 1 in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, 1 in Pays de la Loire and 1 in Grand-Est”detail the health authorities.

The WHO on Thursday called on countries to be vigilant and transparent in the face of a rare outbreak of more than 3,200 cases of monkeypox worldwide, while waiting to decide whether it triggers its highest level of alert. The WHO must decide whether the situation constitutes a “public health emergency of international concern”.

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