31st murder of the year | Suspect arrested and charged

An 18-year-old man was arrested Friday by major crime investigators from the Montreal City Police Service (SPVM) in connection with the murder, the day before, of a 55-year-old man in a downtown home. from Montreal, learned The Press.

The suspect was charged with unpremeditated murder Friday evening at the Montreal courthouse, information confirmed by SPVM spokesperson Sabrina Gauthier. According to our information, it is Moustkima Hassani, who has no criminal history. He was apprehended on Highway 25.

So-called “exceptional” appearances take place outside normal court hours due to the obligation to have a suspect appear within 24 hours of his or her arrest.

The victim, Arthur Ketikyan, was reportedly stabbed, according to our information – his body bore several marks of violence when the police discovered it. The man had a criminal record, without being known to police circles. The motive for the crime was still unknown at the time of writing.

The City of Montreal Police Department initially considered the death “suspicious” before treating the case as a murder – on 31e to occur in the metropolitan area this year.

The major crimes division of the SPVM made this arrest less than 48 hours after the acts of which Mr. Hassani was accused. She was thrown into turmoil this week after The Montreal Journal reported certain police blunders.

The daily revealed Wednesday that the division had arrested and released a man it suspects of being the author of the arson that cost the lives of seven people in Old Montreal on March 16 because an investigator allegedly improperly obtained evidence.

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