30 degrees expected this weekend in the Southwest, the rainfall deficit reaches 60%, according to a forecaster

The wave of mildness that goes up from Spain to France will last until Thursday, according to Météo France, before the return of disturbances.

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After a summer of 2022 marked by numerous heat waves, autumn is in turn undergoing a heat wave which arrives this weekend. According to Météo France, the rise in temperatures will become general next week with at least 20° in the North, and more than 25° in the southern half of the country.

>> Weather: three questions on the “late mild episode” that France will experience for a week

“This heat will set in tomorrow with 30° in the South-West, and it will rise with more than 25° between the South-West and the south of the Val-de-Loire”, details on franceinfo Saturday, October 15 Claire Chanal, Meteo France forecaster. This phenomenon is caused “by an altitude depression which is on the near Atlantic and which will generate a south-westerly flow over the country, which will bring up all this heat from Spain. This is why we expect the highest temperatures at the foot of the Pyrenees and on the Landes side.“, says the expert.

As a result, the year 2022 continues to break records. “Since January 1, we have been on the year which remains the hottest ever recorded since we have had measurements, therefore since 1947”admits Claire Chanal noting that the drought persists even this fall. “In mid-October, we are on soils that are very dry and a rainfall deficit that reaches, on the scale of the country, on average 60%”, she confirms. This episode “outstanding” must last “at least five days”, according to the forecaster, before the return of a disturbed weather “from next Thursday”.

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