3 (real) good reasons to go see Jeremstar at the theatre!

In recent years, Jeremstar has chained projects. Versatility does not scare him… Quite the contrary! For a long time, Jérémy Gisclon – his real name – multiplied interviews with reality TV stars in his famous bathtub. On YouTube, he has accumulated – to date – thousands of views via his videos available on the platform. The young man also became a columnist in the program “Salut les Terrans” on C8 ! In 2017, his autobiography “Jeremstar by Jérémy Gisclon, my official biography” conquered the crowds in the same way as other works such as “Téléréalité, le manuel pour percer (2016)” or “The truth all the truth” (2019) . The world of media and that of influencers no longer hold any secrets for him. His career inspires as much as it intrigues. A born hard worker, the YouTuber therefore launched himself with panache on the boards.

The punchlines will be there in his show

The name of his first One-man show announces the color: “Jeremstar – Finally on stage”. On February 13, 2022, the Lyonnais will present it this time at the Théâtre des Folies Bergère in Paris. An appointment not to be missed !

In his show, Jeremstar wants to be authentic. His frankness is his signature! The opportunity for him to analyze the world around him in his own way… while remaining very accurate. In front of her audience, the star opens up about her “real story”. He frankly evokes his “Glory Years” his moments away from the spotlight and his new aspirations.

One of his collaborators worked with Laurent Baffie

To mark the spirits, the actor is surrounded by the best. For his show, he benefited from the valuable advice of Mado who worked for a long time with Laurent Baffie… nicknamed “the television sniper”. A size in its field! “It’s a fairly dynamic, quite punchy show”, promised another associate in a video unveiled on his YouTube channel JEREMSTAR.

“There will be a lot of sets, not too many either, because in a One-man show in general you are really alone on stage. (..) You are going to be served the Kitties, there will be ‘travelotage’, howls, sketches, disguises, it’s going to be really fun (…). I hope it’s the beginning of a long career… I have the new Florence Foresti”! I have the Camille Lellouche!” joked Jeremstar in a completely different sequence.

A unique immersion!

Know one thing, Jeremstar does not want to reveal his show on the Web… At least for the moment. “It’s really a show to experience in real life and you have to be there. I will not put it on replay and for the moment there is no recording planned”, specified the videographer who was unanimous during his first visit to Rennes and went further: “There are still plenty of cities I haven’t been to yet, you can book your tickets on Jeremstar.fr and we’re still going to have fun everywhere in France, Switzerland, Belgium… It’s going to be madness (.. .). Jéremstar: Content creator soon to be reimbursed by social security”. The message got through!


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