2nd edition around employment at the headquarters of the Community of Communes in Thiviers

The Périgord-Limousin Community of Communes, the Local Mission of Haut Périgord, the Pôle Emploi Agency and the Trajectoires association have joined forces to organize a new event around employment. After a first edition on April 8 under the name of RDV de l’emploi, a 2nd edition is proposed the day after tomorrow, Thursday June 30 at 6 p.m., at the headquarters of the Community of Communes in Thiviers under the name of “FIND YOUR JOB!” »

The objective of this event is to promote meetings between local employers and job seekers. Each establishment will have the opportunity to present its vacancies and will be able to meet individually with job seekers to possibly recruit its future employee(s).

Other companies present will be:

  • Of the industry
  • form the bank
  • personal assistance
  • of the building
  • of the hotel and catering industry
  • administration
  • a driving school
  • cleaning
  • as well as temporary and integration offices.

CDD, CDI, seasonal and interim jobs, many positions are available. Most positions are accessible without qualifications, internal training being provided. This free meeting is open to all motivated people looking for a job. Candidates are invited to bring CVs in several copies.

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