21 kilos of cocaine found on the beach

Many cocaine buns were discovered by a walker this Thursday morning on Berck beach in Pas-de-Calais. According to the Deputy District Attorney, there is 21 pounds of drugs.

Investigation entrusted to the judicial police

It remains to be seen now where this drug comes from. Given the place, the sea is the main hypothesis. It is now up to the Coquelles judicial police, in charge of the investigation, to determine this.

In the Boulonnais, eleven packages found in September

This discovery recalls that of last September. Eleven packets of cocaine for a value of €750,000 had been found on the beaches in the area of ​​Ambleteuse and Audinghen in Pas-de-Calais. The mayor of Audinghen had even chosen to close the beach for a week to avoid an influx of people.

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