2,000 opponents expected in the Tarn to denounce a project in “contradiction with the climate emergency”

Find here all of our live #A69

10:46 : I know the region well and the question of the link with Toulouse is really burning. It takes 1h30 to do 100km currently. But what about the rail link? Frequency, times? It’s a little better than a few years ago, but for people who work in Toulouse or vice versa, to go see a specialist or go shopping, or even take a mainline train, the offer is really mediocre. !

10:46 : Support for protesters against the A69✊🏻

10:46 : Completely off the mark these poor ecologists: no progress with them, return to dirt roads and the handcart. Ridiculous.

10:46 : Artificializing soils, concreting, tarring, nothing better for the environment… As stupid as the A65 towards Pau, in short assure the opponents of our support and thoughts for Serge’s comrades

10:46 : The mobilization against this motorway project makes you react a lot in the comments.

10:41 a.m. : Sabine Mousson, mayor of Teulat (Tarn), is also there. His village will be cut in two by the future 2×2 lanes.”I am delighted to see such mobilization. I expect the Minister of Transport to abandon this highway #A69

10:40 a.m. : Thomas Brail, from @GNSA_arbres, came down from his tree for the occasion #A69 “I’m here to protect trees, farmland and remind that there is already a Toulouse-Castres national road which is not saturated” https://t.co/LlftOarWm3

10:40 a.m. : About 2,000 people are expected at the event. . The prefect of Tarn specified that 800 gendarmes and police officers will be mobilized to supervise the event. Follow our live.

10:29 : “I just want this project to be abandoned”

On franceinfo, the deputy castigates “an anachronistic project”, Who “calls for a peaceful, non-violent and festive mobilization”. The project “will destroy hundreds of hectares of agricultural land, threaten protected species, batrachians, reptiles, birds”, he denounced.

10:23 : 🛣🚗 Hello everyone and welcome to Saïx. This town in the Tarn is the epicenter this weekend of the mobilization against the #A69 motorway, which should link Castres to Toulouse in 2025. @franceinfo, LT to follow 👇 https://t.co/yHJwuIoQ66

10:21 a.m. : For their part, activists opposed to the project denounce an attempt at demonization by the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin, who assured yesterday that a “hundreds of violent individuals” are expected on site. “By dint of saying that we are terrorists, there is the possibility that a large number of families will not come to our parties”, regrets Annick, from the local branch of the Attac association, in reference to“eco-terrorist” pronounced after the mobilization against the mega-basin of Sainte-Soline.

10:19 : “I am confident that the project was well built, it was well worked on”

The managing director of the concessionary company for the motorway linking Toulouse to Castres speaks on the sidelines of the demonstration which is being prepared against the project. Find here his interview at the microphone of franceinfo.

09:30 : Contacted by franceinfo, the entourage of Clément Beaune, the Minister Delegate in charge of Transport, procrastinates. “The Minister wished to re-examine all the motorway projects currently envisaged, and the A69 project is no exception”, we explain. Find our full article on this project here.

09:25 : Arguments that do not convince the experts on the subject. For researcher Aurélien Bigo, this road project, like dozens of others planned in France, underlines “all the inconsistency of public policies” in climate matters. “We are investing in the decarbonation of transport, but we are not disinvesting in carbonation”. He reminds us that a motorway mechanically fuels global warming, with a triple unfavorable effect: “there are more kilometers traveled in total, they are more often done by car and each kilometer, because of the speed, is more emitting”.

09:25 : Environmental impact, too high cost of an infrastructure “for the rich”, deterioration of traffic conditions on the national… The grievances of opponents of the A69, including farmers, elected officials and business leaders , are many. “I find it absurd that in 2023, when we are talking about climate and sobriety, we allow ourselves to put a 30-year-old project back on the table”says Thomas Brail, member of the National Tree Monitoring Group.

09:25 : The highway of discord. This weekend, the collective La Voie est libre, supported by the Uprisings of the Earth, Extinction Rebellion and the Confédération paysanne, is calling for demonstrations against the A69 which must link Castres to Toulouse by 2025. I explain to you in this article why this project is considered “anachronistic” by its detractors.

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