200 people for the white march in memory of Julie, victim of feminicide

Nearly 200 people gathered at Isle-d’Abeau this Sunday afternoon. Dressed in a white top, they came to take part in the white march in memory of Julie Rubodthis 26-year-old mother killed by her former partner in Bourgoin-Jallieu on May 7th. His body was found in a car in Lyon later that evening. The alleged perpetrator of the murder, wanted by the police, then went.

Several dozen white roses were placed by the participants of the white march at the foot of a tree in the Isle-D’abeau cemetery. © Radio France
Bastien Roque

A month later the drama, the time was therefore at contemplation. The small crowd silently made their way to the Church of St. Peter and St. Paul and the nearby cemetery. Among them, colleagues of Julie Rubod, who praise the qualities of the young woman: “A girl always with a smile“, “a very sweet person“, “a very loving mother“, “a ray of sunshine“.

In tribute to all the victims of feminicides

Their presence that day is also for all the victims of feminicide. According to the Féminicides collective by companions or ex, Julie was the 39th victim this year. At the beginning of June, the count had already reached 46 women killed. “Too many tragedies like that happen. You have to constantly remind people that it exists. _It’s 2022, and it still exists_explains Jérôme, a close friend of the family. “We classify it in the various facts, but in reality, it is much more important, it destroys families. So it’s very important to do these kinds of things, so as not to forget the victims, so as not to forget Julie“.

At the head of the procession, Julie's relatives released white balloons at the end of the course before playing the song
At the head of the procession, Julie’s relatives released white balloons at the end of the course before playing the song “Vole”, by Celine Dion. © Radio France
Bastien Roque

Also in the procession people less close like Nadia. She didn’t really know Julie, but wanted to be present: “_I lost my daughter too_, in a car accident, I know what it is. But there, in these conditions, it’s atrocious. So even though I didn’t know her personally, my heart was telling me to be here today“.

Arrived at the end of the course, the relatives at the head of the procession released white balloons in the sky to the sound of the music “Vole” by Céline Dion. Then the participants have placed at the foot of a tree roses, white also, before leaving the close family to their contemplation and dispersing.

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