1,400 hectares burned in the fire on the Monts d’Arrée and 500 people evacuated

More than 250 firefighters are mobilized to try to overcome this fire which broke out in the town of Brasparts. A Canadair water bomber arrived on Monday evening

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The fire in the Monts d’Arrée, in the town of Brasparts in Finistère, has now burned 1,400 hectares of vegetation, announced France Bleu Breizh Izel on Tuesday July 19. In the point released Monday evening by the prefecture, only 591 hectares had burned and 160 firefighters were mobilized. There are now 260 firefighters on site, as well as 50 firefighting vehicles, the prefecture said.

A crisis unit had been opened in the prefecture on Monday, reported France Bleu Breizh Izel. According to the prefecture of Finistère, evacuations took place in the municipality of Botmeur, the hamlets of Ti Beron, Roquinarc’h located in the municipality of Saint-Rivoal and the hamlet of Roudouderc’h located in the municipality of Sizun.

Five hundred people were evacuated, 92 of whom were taken to the Sizun sports hall. Eight people had, earlier in the evening of Monday, also been evacuated from a lodging located near the departmental road 785.

A fire truck burned down, with no casualties. According to information from France Bleu Breizh Izel, the machine broke down and could not be moved. The chapel of Brasparts, located nearby, is not threatened, explains the prefecture in a press release. A Canadair water bomber arrived on Monday evening. Finistère is no longer, since Tuesday morning, placed in red vigilance in the heat wave, but in orange vigilance in thunderstorms.

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