“1:15 p.m. on Sunday”. Vercors: the forest of discord – France 2 – December 19, 2021

The Association for the Protection of Wild Animals (Aspas) bought a huge estate in the Vercors, mainly made up of forests, an area populated by deer, wild boar, fallow deer …

The aim of the association is to “save nature and animals”, she says. A method, called “re-wildness”, which does not go without creating strong tensions …

Hunters, breeders, farmers on the one hand, environmental activists the other

Protect wildlife, preserve the natural heritage and defend the rights of non-hunters, rehabilitate so-called “harmful” species such as foxes, magpies, polecats, or preserve fragile species and habitats by controlling land through ” Wildlife reserves “are some of the objectives of the Aspas.

For this document, signed Yvan Martinet, Henri Desaunay and Oktay Sengul, the magazine 1:15 p.m. on Sunday(Twitter, #1:15 p.m.) went to meet hunters, breeders, farmers on one side, and environmental activists on the other. Both do not have the same vision. So how do you reconcile them? And are they reconcilable?

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