“1:15 p.m. on Saturday”. The man who talks to sperm whales – France 2 – 4 June 2022

A renowned doctor in oceanography, François Sarano spent thirteen years alongside Captain Jacques-Yves Cousteau as scientific advisor and head of mission. Lecturer, author of numerous works, he is the founder of the association Longitude 181, which wants to be “the voice of the ocean”.

Mexico, Mauritius, the Mediterranean… For this document, signed Violaine Vermot-Gaud, James de Caupenne, Patrice Brugère and Matthieu Parmentier, the magazine “1:15 p.m. on Saturday” (Twitter, #1:15 p.m.) followed this defender of the environment and marine animals on his fantastic dives…

Sharks, rays, sperm whales… are the best indicators of the state of health of the ocean

“The ocean, the last wild territory: let’s share now and with future generations the emotion of an encounter, the richness of an untamed environment, the wonder”, proclaims the association which, since 2002, has promoted of a “respectful dive” and pushed “everyone to change their behavior, both underwater and on land”.

François Sarano develops programs for the study and preservation of large marine animals: sharks, rays, sperm whales… “They are symbols of wildlife, the best indicators of the state of health of the ocean and their preservation requires that of all the ecosystems on which they depend.”

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