10 dead and 60 injured after Russian strike on Kramatorsk


Video length: 1 min.

France 2

Article written by

A.Mikoczy, B.Girodon, A.Riabeka, P.Miette – France 2

France Televisions

On Tuesday June 27, a restaurant was targeted in the city of Kramatorsk, in eastern Ukraine. A violent explosion left 10 dead, including three children, and around 60 injured.

Terror in the center of Kramatorsk (Ukraine). Two Russian missiles have just fallen on the shopping district, the shops are burning. The images are very harsh, there are wounded everywhere, including a baby in his mother’s arms. “It was so brutal, I was thrown to the ground, I crawled out”, said a witness. One of the two points of impact is on the Ria restaurant, one of the most popular in the region. Off-duty Ukrainian soldiers, journalists, humanitarian workers from all over the world meet there, including, on the evening of Tuesday June 27, Colombian writers.

A city often targeted by the Russians

It was 7 p.m., rush hour, and a hundred customers were there. From all over the city, help arrives, but they are overwhelmed by the number of victims. “We are looking for possible survivors in the rubble and, at the same time, we are trying to evacuate all the injured”, says the spokesman for the Kramatorsk police. From the roof of a neighboring building, the impressive extent of the damage is visible. Quickly, a human chain then forms to clear the rubble as quickly as possible and gain access to the back of the restaurant. A woman emerged from the rubble at the end of the night, seriously injured, but still conscious. The city is about twenty kilometers from the front on the road to Bakhmout. She is regularly targeted by the Russian army.

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