samedi, mars 15, 2025

Trump’s Controversial Words: He’ll Speak His Mind Regardless of Women’s Opinions « Les mots controversés de Trump : il exprimera son opinion, peu importe ce que les femmes en pensent »

Lors d’un récent rassemblement à Green Bay, Wisconsin, l’ancien président Donald Trump a été critiqué pour ses propos, en particulier pour avoir insisté sur ses déclarations de campagne, même si cela déplaisait aux femmes. Trump a partagé une prétendue conversation avec son personnel, affirmant qu’il agirait pour protéger les femmes, « peu importe si elles aiment cela ou non ». Cette remarque a suscité des réactions indignées sur les réseaux sociaux, avec des accusations de misogynie. Au total, 27 femmes ont accusé Trump de diverses formes d’inconduite sexuelle, ce qu’il nie.

Former President Donald Trump faced significant backlash from critics over his comments made during a recent rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

In his address, the Republican candidate asserted that he would continue to repeat a particular campaign phrase, regardless of whether it resonates negatively with women.

Trump elaborated, stating, ‘About four weeks ago, my team advised me, ‘No, we need to protect the people. We need to protect the women in our country.’ I defended my stance by saying, ‘I want to protect the women.’

He then recounted a supposed dialogue with a staff member, saying to the audience,  »Sir, please don’t say that,’ to which I asked, ‘Why?’ They responded, ‘We believe it’s quite inappropriate for you to say.’ I defended my position by saying, ‘Why? I’m the president. I want to protect the women of our country.’ They insisted, ‘Sir, I just think it’s not appropriate for you to say.’

‘I pay these staff a considerable amount of money. Can you believe it? I told them, ‘I’m going to say it regardless of whether women like it or not.’ I need to protect them. I will protect them from incoming migrants and we must secure them from foreign adversaries threatening us with missiles, among other dangers.’

His remark, ‘whether women like it or not,’ has drawn sharp criticism from many, with numerous detractors labeling him a ‘raging misogynist’ on social media.

One individual on X, formerly Twitter, expressed concern: ‘Is this the America you want for your sisters, nieces, daughters, granddaughters, and great granddaughters? Scream now or forever hold your peace.’

Another user referenced a civil jury’s decision that found Trump liable for sexually assaulting writer E. Jean Carroll in the 1990s, stating: ‘We will not allow a sexual predator to act without any protections in place for us.’

A total of 27 women have accused Trump of various forms of sexual misconduct.

The former president has consistently denied any wrongdoing.

  • ‘Moron’ Donald Trump Criticized for Saying He Doesn’t ‘Care’ About Being ‘Nicer’ to Women
  • ‘What Happened to Donald Trump Being the Protector of Women?’: Ex-President Criticized After Telling Female Heckler She’s Going to Get the ‘H— Knocked Out of Her’
  • Trump Mocked for Claiming He ‘Does Very Well With Women’ and Will Keep Them ‘Safe’ Ahead of the 2024 Election: ‘A Real Chick Magnet’

Trump has previously made controversial statements regarding women, notably in the notorious Access Hollywood tape.

In that recording, he stated, “You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the p—–. You can do anything.”

In September, Trump made remarks about women’s issues that left many critics puzzled.

‘You will no longer feel abandoned, lonely, or scared,’ he promised. ‘You will no longer be in danger. You’re not going to feel that way anymore. You won’t have to worry about the many problems facing our country today. You will be safe, and I will be your protector. Women will be happy, healthy, confident, and free. You won’t even have to think about abortion!’

Ancien président Donald Trump a été durement critiqué pour ses propos lors d’un rassemblement récent à Green Bay, Wisconsin.

Lors de son discours, le candidat républicain a affirmé qu’il continuerait à répéter une de ses phrases de campagne préférées, même si cela ne plaisait pas aux femmes.

Trump a expliqué: ‘Il y a environ quatre semaines, mon équipe m’a conseillé, ‘Non, nous devons protéger les gens. Nous devons protéger les femmes de notre pays.’ J’ai défendu ma position en disant: ‘Je veux protéger les femmes.’

Il a ensuite raconté un dialogue présumé avec un membre de son équipe, disant au public,  »Monsieur, ne dites pas cela,’ à quoi j’ai demandé, ‘Pourquoi?’ Ils ont répondu, ‘Nous pensons que c’est très inapproprié de votre part.’ J’ai défendu ma position en disant, ‘Pourquoi? Je suis le président. Je veux protéger les femmes de notre pays.’ Ils

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