samedi, mars 15, 2025

Kamala Harris’ Hidden Ally: The Role of Mormons in Arizona Elections L’allié caché de Kamala Harris : le rôle des Mormons dans les élections en Arizona

Des membres conservateurs de l’Église des Saints des Derniers Jours en Arizona s’éloignent de Donald Trump, en raison de son langage sur l’immigration. Avec environ 400 000 Mormons dans l’État, Trump et la vice-présidente Kamala Harris cherchent à les séduire pour décrocher les votes électoraux. Les sentiments anti-immigrants de Trump ne résonnent pas avec les valeurs de la communauté LDS, qui valorise l’empathie envers les immigrants. Certains Mormons envisagent de soutenir Harris, en raison d’un écart culturel avec Trump et de préoccupations sur des questions comme l’avortement.

Members of the Church of Latter-day Saints in Arizona, traditionally conservative, are increasingly distancing themselves from former President Donald Trump, particularly due to his rhetoric on immigration.

With approximately 400,000 Mormons in this critical state—around 6% of the total population—both Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris are aiming to win them over to secure Arizona’s 11 Electoral College votes. However, immigration has emerged as a polarizing topic.

Montague emphasized the LDS community’s welcoming stance toward immigrants, illustrated by the missionary efforts many young Mormons engage in.

‘Many missionaries serve in Latin America, Africa, and Asia, which exposes them to diverse cultures and languages, fostering understanding and empathy,’ Montague noted. ‘Thus, the community tends to be supportive of all immigrants, regardless of their status.’

Rising Concerns About Trump’s Immigration Rhetoric

According to local sources, Trump’s immigration comments—promising mass deportations and framing migrants as criminals or job stealers—have not resonated well with those who have personal ties to the countries from which many immigrants hail or those who interact with them daily in their neighborhoods.

The Harris campaign is attempting to balance border security with a narrative that avoids vilifying migrants.

Historically, the LDS community in Arizona has opposed anti-immigrant measures, such as the controversial 2010 ‘show me your papers’ law, from which parts were rejected by the church.

Are Mormons Shifting to Harris?

‘It’s more than just immigration. The culture of the church and its emphasis on Christ-like service starkly contrasts with Trump’s brash persona,’ Montague remarked. ‘This is off-putting to many.’

‘While some may remain loyal to Trump, there are plenty who are disenchanted, particularly regarding the abortion debate that Kamala Harris is advocating.’

Support for Republican candidates among Mormons has seen a decline over the years. According to the Pew Research Center, George W. Bush garnered 80% of their support in 2004, whereas Trump received 61% in 2016.

This decline, however, does not guarantee those votes will shift to the Democratic Party, as many feel issues like abortion leave them without a suitable presidential candidate.

The Arizona Harris-Walz campaign has launched the Latter-day Saints for Harris-Walz Advisory Committee in September to engage more effectively with this community.

‘Members of the Church of Latter-day Saints and people of faith across Arizona and beyond recognize that Vice President Kamala Harris aligns with their values. She represents bipartisanship, bolsters our democracy, and safeguards the will of the people and the rule of law,’ stated Reverend Jennifer Butler, Harris Campaign National Interfaith Engagement Director.

‘In contrast, more individuals are heeding the warnings from those closest to Donald Trump, who assert that he is unfit and unstable, pursuing unchecked power that threatens our freedoms through his Project 2025 agenda.’

Montague highlighted prominent LDS figures who may influence the community, including Mitt Romney, the senator from Utah who ran against Barack Obama in 2012, and former Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers. Both have expressed their disapproval of Trump.

‘Their silence on critical issues important to Mormon values has been striking. Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have utilized government bodies as tools to target religious organizations, failed to acknowledge God in public, and permitted progressive policies to undermine traditional values,’ remarked Halee Dobbins, RNC AZ Communications Director.

‘On the other hand, President Trump has consistently advocated for believers by safeguarding religious institutions, appointing constitutionalist Justices, and upholding Christian values both domestically and internationally, making it a priority to protect religious communities rather than oppose them.’

Updated 10/31/24 4:25 p.m ET: This article includes a statement from Reverend Jennifer Butler.

Updated 10/31/24 4:40 p.m ET: This article features a statement from Halee Dobbins.

Les membres traditionnels conservateurs de l’Église de Jésus-Christ des Saints des Derniers Jours en Arizona se détournent de l’ancien président Donald Trump, en partie à cause de son discours sur les immigrants.

Avec environ 400 000 Mormons dans cet État clé—environ 6 % de la population totale—Trump et la vice-présidente Kamala Harris cherchent à les séduire pour sécuriser les 11 votes du Collège électoral de l’Arizona. Cependant, l’immigration est devenue un sujet

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