vendredi, mars 14, 2025

Jude Law Confesses His Frustration with Being Objectified for Looks Jude Law Confie sa frustration d’être objectivé à cause de son apparence

Jude Law a révélé que la célébrité à Hollywood n’est pas toujours ce qu’elle semble être. Dans une interview récente, il a partagé ses luttes intérieures durant ses débuts, où son apparence attirait plus l’attention que son talent d’acteur. Il a mentionné que les paparazzis ne le poursuivent plus comme avant, mais qu’il a dû apprendre à protéger sa vie privée ainsi que celle de sa famille. Son expérience a également été marquée par le piratage de son téléphone par News of the World. Malgré les défis, il regarde ces événements avec une certaine sérénité.

Jude Law has opened up about the challenges that come with being a Hollywood heartthrob, revealing it’s not everything people imagine it to be.

In a recent interview, the actor reflected on the personal struggles he encountered in the early stages of his career, a time when the public seemed more focused on his appearance and romantic exploits rather than his acting abilities.

‘I was discussing this with a friend who made an interesting observation. He said, ‘If you were a woman, there’d be outrage over how you’re being objectified, » Law shared. ‘It was frustrating for me as a young man eager to establish a career in acting and wanting people to engage with my work instead of my looks.’

Now at 51 and a father of six, Law noted that he no longer faces the same level of scrutiny from paparazzi. ‘I’ve had to adapt my lifestyle to keep them away, and I manage the privacy of my children and partner the same way,’ he explained.

The Oscar nominee, who was consistently pursued by photographers during his relationship with ex-fiancé Sienna Miller, 42, from 2003 to 2006, reflected on that period of intense media attention.

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During those years, Law experienced the invasion of privacy when his phone was hacked by News of the World.

‘It was absolute chaos,’ he recalled about being constantly pursued. ‘Once they figured out my routine, it became clear. A significant percentage of the stories were obtained illegally, which fueled their publications. This created a cycle as photographers competed for stories.’

‘The illicit information they acquired through hacking kept the media machine running,’ he continued.

The star of Secrets of Dumbledore described the experience as ‘crazy’ and ‘disturbing,’ explaining how it made him wary of those around him. ‘You have to band together to shield your family and yourself from harm.’

In 2014, Law secured $200,000 in a settlement from News of the World.

Despite the ordeal, he reflected on it without bitterness, stating, ‘What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger, right?’

Miller has also spoken about the pressures she faced while dating Law, mentioning in a past interview how quickly things turned ‘dark.’

‘Looking back feels surreal, especially when seeing old photos with so many people constantly in my life. It was maddening, which is likely what they wanted,’ she said. ‘The more you spiral, the better it is for selling stories; it’s an unmistakable trend of wanting to tear others down. It felt like a celebration of chaos.’

The actress described that time in her life as one filled with ‘chaos and madness.’

Variety interviewed Law.

Jude Law a avoué que le statut de beau gosse d’Hollywood n’était pas aussi enviable qu’il n’y paraît.

Lors d’une récente interview, l’acteur a évoqué les luttes internes qu’il a rencontrées dans les premières années de sa carrière, une période où le public semblait plus intéressé par son apparence et sa vie amoureuse que par ses films.

‘Je parlais de cela avec un ami, qui a soulevé un point pertinent. Il a dit : ‘Si tu étais une femme, les gens auraient été réprimandés pour t’objectiver, » a-t-il déclaré. ‘Cela m’a frustré car j’étais ce jeune homme désespérément désireux d’avoir une carrière d’acteur et de faire parler de ça, plutôt que de mon apparence.’

Bien que le père de six enfants, âgé de 51 ans, ait noté que l’attention des paparazzis et les ‘regards indiscrets’ ne sont plus un problème, ‘j’ai dû apprendre à vivre d’une manière qui les tient à distance. Et je dois gérer la vie privée de mes enfants et de ma partenaire de la même manière,’ a reconnu Law.

Le candidat à l’Oscar, âgé de 51 ans, était également constamment suivi par des photographes en raison de sa romance avec l’ex-fiancée

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