Zone outing, season 4 | Episode 31: setbacks that were expected

“Is anyone in Montreal really surprised? It is with these words of wisdom that Stéphane Waite calls everyone to order about the Canadian’s recent setbacks.

That said, there are ways to lose and the way the Habs lost Monday’s duel against Seattle leaves many stunned, starting with the head coach of the Canadian, Martin St-Louis, who denounced the presence of “passengers” in his club. For Richard Labbé, on the other hand, it will eventually be necessary to look at the side of the coaches to ask themselves what is their share of responsibility in the poor start to the CH match.

Rest assured: the episode is not just a series of sad facts about the Habs. Mid-season in the NHL is indeed a pretext to look at the surprises so far, a list that begins with the incredible Boston Bruins.

Host: Jeremy Filosa
Guests: Richard Labbé, Guillaume Lefrançois and Stéphane Waite

Listen to the full episode

We point the finger a little bit at Martin St-Louis, but not a lot. And often, when you have a bad start to a match like that repeatedly, we talk about a club that is poorly prepared. And often, when we talk about an ill-prepared club, who are we pointing the finger at? The coach.

Richard Labbe

Mike Hoffman yesterday, two games he sat: -3, one shot on goal. I watched him play yesterday and I thought to myself: my God, poor guy, he has no idea what he’s doing on the ice.

Stephane Waite

In every possible way, he was spectacular. And of course it was out of place, especially in an organization where, precisely, the spectacular players, over the years, we cannot say that we have been very, very spoiled.

Guillaume Lefrançois, about PK Subban

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