Zone exit, season 3 | Episode 14: a sandwich balance sheet

The Canadian arrives at the quarter of the season; now is the perfect time to take stock of what the team has offered us so far.

Question of varying the formula, the host Jérémie Rainville therefore proposes an “inverted” sandwich. Rather than going with two qualities interspersed with a defect, we go for a formula with two negative points and one positive point.

Otherwise, Marc Bergevin’s media tour also feeds the discussion. Beyond the words of the general manager of the Canadian, the absence of Geoff Molson from the public sphere continues to make people talk.

Elsewhere in the NHL, we are looking at the case of the Calgary Flames, probably the surprise of this first stretch of the season.

For this podcast episode Zone exit, a collaboration between Press and 98.5 Sports, host Jérémie Rainville receives panelists Stéphane Waite, Philippe Cantin and Guillaume Lefrançois.

Listen to the full episode

Jérémie Rainville: Do you think it’s possible to stick two wins this season for the Canadian? Philippe Cantin: In sport, anything is possible, that’s what makes it so beautiful. Guillaume Lefrançois: I like it when we talk about it as if it would be the greatest miracle of all time.

When he told Pierre LeBrun that Marc Bergevin and Geoff spoke to each other almost every day. It means a lot to me. When I was there, they spoke to each other every day. Already there, it’s a change of tone. I wish this big cloud would go away. For Marc, I’m not worried, if things don’t work out in Montreal, something else will happen.

Stephane Waite

The detail of the episode

Block 1

0: 35 – Look back at the Canadiens’ 6-3 win over the Predators
3:35 – One victory is good, two is better
7:45 – Quarter-season review: on the ice

Block 2

26:35 – Quarter-season review: hockey managers
40: 00 – Quarter-season review: coaches

Block 3

47:15 – Questions from the audience

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