Zita Hanrot is pregnant! The Plan Coeur star reveals her already very round belly in a photo

Caesarized in 2016 as the best female hope of the film Fatima by Philippe Faucon Zita Hanrot is known to a wider audience since becoming one of the heroines of the hit Netflix series, Map Heart. And if in the third season, Elsa, the character she portrays, has difficulty getting pregnant, the idea of ​​becoming a mother even becoming a real obsession for the young woman, in life, the actress is pregnant ! This is indeed the happy news that Zita Hanrot shared this Friday, April 22.

On Instagram, the 32-year-old actress reveals a photo of her already round belly. Zita Hanrot, who had shared the poster of carnivores with Leïla Bekhti, seems to have clearly exceeded the safety threshold of the three months of pregnancy often expected before declaring it officially. And already, the future mother receives a shower of congratulations. “But yeah“, wrote Adèle Exarchopoulos, also a young mother, when Marina Foïs sent her a “Congratulations“.

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