Zinedine Zidane grandfather: tender photo with his wife, his son Enzo and his granddaughter Sia who has grown well

Sia future dancer like her grandmother?

In a relationship with Véronique, with whom he has been married since 1994 and with whom he still seems to be madly in love, Zinedine Zidane, in addition to his brilliant career as a footballer and coach, will have built a wonderful family life. In addition to his eldest son Enzo, now a dad, the former teammate of Didier Deschamps in the French team and at Juventus in Turin, had three other sons: Luca (24 years old), Théo (20 years old) and Elyaz (16 years old) all footballers! We are already curious to know what professional path their niece Sia will take. Will she be a professional dancer like her grandmother Véronique once was? In any case, what is certain is that to be the daughter of a footballer who plays in the Spanish club CF Fuenlabrada, little Sia Zidane is not likely to miss out on football!

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