Zette is on the sidelines, Jean-Luc Reichmann reveals the face of his replacement!

With “Les Z’amours”, “Attention à la marche” and today “Les 12 coups de midi”, Jean-Luc Reichmann is undoubtedly one of the most popular animators of the PAF. And since he delights viewers at lunchtime on TF1, Nathalie Lecoultre’s companion does not follow his path alone since he is accompanied every day by Zette, the voice-over of the game show. But the faithful of the program only know his voice since the latter has never appeared on the screen. Saturday July 2, 2022, in the documentary Jean-Luc Reichmann, an extraordinary destinybroadcast on TF1, Isabelle Belhadj, her real name, appeared for the first time with her face uncovered. Recounting her collaboration with the host, which began in 1987, she then confided: “To At that time, Jean-Luc was everywhere at once. With his motorcycle, he travels all over Paris. He did not end up at the Guignols de l’info for nothing. He has 1,000 votes to his name, he’s a chameleon. The beautiful voice, the musicality, the actor… He had all the gear to make it work. He gave himself the means. He’s someone who doesn’t give up. When we talk about the minds of champions, I think Jean-Luc has that.

But this Tuesday, July 12, 2022, fans of the 12 noon shots experienced an exceptional upheaval. Indeed, for the first time, it was not Zette who presented the candidates of the day. As soon as it went on the air, shortly before noon, Jean-Luc Reichmann announced that he would now reveal certain unknown faces of the show. And the host started with “Melinda“, who takes care of “candidates and videosAfter having introduced her to the viewers, Swann’s dad asked her to replace Zette and to announce the arrival of the challengers of the day who had come to challenge Yael, the current midday master. certain talent. But voice-over fans can be reassured, the famous voice-over of “12 noon shots” then took over with the same relaxation and the same sweetness that made its popularity.


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