Zara Phythian (Doctor Strange) and her husband sentenced to 8 and 14 years in prison for sexual assault on a minor

While Johnny Depp’s trial against Amber Heard continues, another actress has been facing justice for a few days. This is Zara Phythian, known for her role as Kaecilius in the film Doctor Strange. The latter is involved in a terrible case of sexual assault on a minor with her husband. The news had the effect of a bomb.

The week began with a court decision in stride for the couple formed by Zara Phythian and her husband Victor Make. Indeed, justice delivered its sentence about this appalling affair a few days after the revelations of the BBC.

Heavy penalties for the couple

Remember, the actress interpreted the character of the Brown Zealot in the film Doctor Strange in 2016. Six years later, while the second part baptized In the Multiverse of Madness has just been released in theaters, this scandal could taint the promotion of this opus. It must be said that Zara Phythian is one of the headliners.

But what is blamed on the young woman and Victor Make? They allegedly sexually assaulted a thirteen-year-old girl between 2005 and 2008, long before Zara Phythian became known.

The couple would have filmed these attacks while forcibly consuming alcohol to their victim. Accused of fourteen counts of sexual activity with a child, they have always denied the facts. However, Victor Make admitted having had a sexual relationship with the teenager while justifying that he was convinced that she was of age at the time. He stressed that his companion had nothing to do with it. But that didn’t really convince the judge who called them a liar even though he thinks the man is the one behind this project.

Already found guilty, Zara Phythian was sentenced to eight years in prison for sexual assault and her husband to fourteen years. They will no longer be able to exercise in contact with children and will have to sign the register of sex offenders…


See also: Eva Green in the next Doctor Strange?

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