Zaporizhia nuclear power plant again at the heart of concerns


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Since the destruction of the Kakhovka dam on June 6, the level of the lake has dropped by several meters. This is where the Zaporizhia power plant drew water for its cooling.

The Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, at the heart of the war, has experienced a new threat since the rupture of the Kakhovka dam. The France television team was able to go there, accompanied by the Russian army. Thursday, June 15, the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency came to assess the situation. “The consequences of the destruction of the dam are very real. We can see them. At the same time, we see that the management of the plant is taking measures and it is important to follow”says Rafael Grossi.

Shut down reactors

Since the destruction of the dam on June 6, the level of the lake has dropped by several meters. However, this is where the plant drew water for cooling. Fortunately, there is an artificial basin, called cooling basin, with an area of ​​8 km2. His level is normal. At the moment, the reactors consume little water because they are shut down. How long can this pool last? Renat Karchaa, representative of Rastom, assures: “Long enough, it can be counted in months, and even more” The International Atomic Energy Agency speaks of a situation “severe”. During the visit, the Russians constantly denounced the artillery attacks of which they claim to be victims, but which the Ukrainians deny.

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