
Every evening from Monday to Friday at 7 p.m., Emilie Mazoyer offers us a summary of musical news. This evening, Zaoui, former singer of Thérapie Taxi, tells us about his first EP, Evil Demonsreleased in June 2022, and its tour which begins in September.

Zaoui, first solo EP

After the phenomenal success of Taxi Therapy (more than 400,000 albums sold, 800,000 in streams, more than 350,000 spectators), Raphaël went solo under the name of Zaoui and is now the only master on board of an irreverent and ultra-efficient pop, as insolent as ‘respondent. “I wrote and rewrote for months, which became two years. I pulled up the guitar riffs, conjured up supernatural vocals, and made sure the kick hit hard. I made the music that I love and have always loved, with the hope of finding a good part of the public that I left behind”, he confides. After a first excerpt, Badhe presents his current single, let go of your body. He will be in concert on September 22 at La Boule Noire in Paris and on tour throughout France.

Decibels, the chronicle

Too busy filling out your asylum application in Barcelona after reading that only 73% of French men change their underwear every day, compared to 82% of Spaniards, have you neglected the music news? Émilie is here to tell you everything!Today, in the archives of Brel and the returns of Arctic Monkeys and Christophe Willem.

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