Zaho mum: flower, song… Her son Naïm pulls out all the stops for her

Needless to say, this post full of love melted internet users, touched by the unbreakable and strong bond that seems to unite the mother and her son: “He is beautiful this kid”, “Love and pride in the look”, “We see a lot of love in your eyes and it’s magic”, “You are so beautiful”, “Magnificent song Naïm”, “It’s adorable.“Will the dad be entitled to the same for his party on June 19?

This dad is precisely Florent Mothe and it took a long time before he could come out of the shadows. On the day of Naïm’s birth on June 8, 2018, which Zaho had proudly revealed on social networks, only a handful of relatives knew the identity of the one with whom the singer had just started a family. The formalization took place only much later. Now married, Zaho and Florent Mothe reveal a little more about the details of their story, which was initially kept secret.

The lovebirds met through The Legend of King Arthur, a musical in which they played two enemies. Colleagues then friends, fate (but above all Florent Mothe) did the rest: “He had been single for 6 months, but he didn’t necessarily make advances. The way it worked, that’s been the franchise (…) He told me : “You know that I like you and you too, but you don’t know it yet (…) One day, we will have a child together.” It is apparently not only in the song that Florent Mothe seems to have a Don.

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