Zaho and Florent Mothe married: their son Naïm, 3 years old, a real star of the Christmas holidays!

Father Christmas came to distribute toys by the thousands, but the tree is still there! The occasion was too good for Zaho and his darling Florent Mothe, who took advantage of this multicolored decor to immortalize these end-of-year celebrations in very good company. On Sunday 26 Sunday 2021, just to end the week well, the couple actually organized a shooting lit with electric garlands, alongside their cat … but above all their adorable son Naïm, of course, equipped with deer antlers in mousse.

Born on June 8, 2018, 3-year-old Naïm lived a very discreet childhood until his parents agreed to reveal his face on social networks. And not only, since he was recently the star of the clip – and of the lyrics! – of the title My moon, a sublime ride signed by Zaho. Modesty and mystery have always been the order of the day in the singer’s sentimental life. Everyone was unaware, in fact, that she was in a relationship with Florent Mothe until she appeared in his arms, in 2019, the day of her brother’s engagement!

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