Zahia Dehar: Raped by her ex, her suicide attempts … she tells all about her ordeal

Thanks to social networks, the stars communicate directly with their fans. Zahia limited her interactions to posting sexy photos, until she opened up about her toxic romance. The actress delivered in a new live on Instagram and recounted the rapes she suffered from her ex-companion.

Please get his friends involved. We must react“, “Never get back together with a man who dares lay his hands on you. You deserve better“, “She hasn’t slept, eaten or drunk since yesterday because of him“, can we read in the comments of his last Instagram publication (a real dated November 23, 2021). Zahia Dehar recounted her ordeal experienced with her violent ex-companion to her more than 254,000 subscribers. In a new live realized Friday evening (February 18, 2022), the former escort reveals to have been raped by the latter.

I was screaming, I was telling him “no, that hurts me too much, I can’t”…

I was in pain, I was screaming, I said to him: ‘No, that hurts me too much, I can’t’, he forced me. (…) He said to me: ‘If you don’t satisfy me, I’ll go look elsewhere’ and after this blackmail, he raped me“, explained Zahia, specifying that the man imposed sexual intercourse on her up to three times a day and despite her pain. “He always found something to pull me back. As soon as I pulled my head out of the depression, it plunged me back into it. The person I was is lost. I made a cross on my private life. Maybe I didn’t receive any visible blows, but my psychological state is very real (…) He destroyed me“, she added.

This isn’t the first time Zahia has spoken out about this nightmarish relationship. “I feel so so alone. Look, I even tried to cut my veins not long ago trying to diealready confided the revelation of the film An easy girl last December. I want to kill myself every day, it’s awful, I didn’t know it was so dangerous to come across this kind of people. I had heard that many victims of narcissistic perverts wanted to commit suicide and I realize that is true. I’m starting to want to die. I have no more hope for my life, I have nothing left… Before, I was shining, I met him, he brainwashed me and now he sees me all destroyed because from him. He’s a manipulator. I want help, please, I don’t know what to do.

Zahia did not reveal the identity of her executioner, with whom she lived in Dubai. According to Internet users, the man would have relations in high places.

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