Zabaleta eta Imanol – Udazken gaueko amodio koplak

No party in the Basque Country without trikitixa and pandero! The diatonic accordion and the tambourine are very popular instruments, easy to transport, they sound loud, and have long been favored for the entertainment of village festivals, weddings and other major events in the villages.
Many musical duos have made a name for themselves, among them, Iñaki Zabaleta and Imanol Urkizu, known as the “Zabaleta eta Imanol” duo.

“Udazken gaueko amodio koplak”: autumn, synonymous with love

This text was composed by Patziku Perurena, a poet from Goizueta in Navarre, and quickly became a triki staple.
The verses speak of an autumn evening, the sweetness of which helps bring lovers together.
It’s a fandango, an essential dance in the Basque Country: you can dance in a circle, but often it’s face to face between two dancers, which can also be a mode of seduction.

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