(Quebec) The leader of the Bloc Québécois (BQ), Yves-François Blanchet, assures that he is not an “adversary” of the Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ), although he is an “unwavering ally” of the Parti Québécois (PQ) on the question of sovereignty. And although Prime Minister François Legault has questioned the relevance of the Bloc in Ottawa, Mr. Blanchet maintains that “no one doubts the usefulness” of his political formation.
“I know what it’s like in question period when you get fired up. We try to make sure that doesn’t happen, but it happens that we get stuck pretty hard,” said Yves-François Blanchet in an interview with The Canadian Press on Wednesday, in an attempt to explain the CAQ Prime Minister’s comments.
Tuesday, François Legault was stung during the question period by the PQ leader, Paul St-Pierre Plamondon, who accused him of doing nothing on the temporary immigration issue.
In his response to his PQ counterpart, François Legault said: “What is the point of the Bloc Québécois in Ottawa? It’s used for ? It’s used for ? »
“It’s in a clash with Paul St-Pierre Plamondon at the Salon bleu, therefore between the government then the opposition. We were used as a weapon by the Prime Minister, but that doesn’t concern us. I don’t think anyone doubts the usefulness of the Bloc,” said Mr. Blanchet.
“I am not the opponent of the CAQ. On the issue of sovereignty, I am the unwavering ally of the PQ. Then after that, for me, happiness is when, in general, the CAQ then the PQ agree, as on the principle of immigration issues, as on the principle of health transfers, as on the principle of medical assistance in dying,” added the Bloc leader.

François Legault said during question period on Tuesday: “What is the point of the Bloc Québécois in Ottawa? It’s used for ? It’s used for ? »
A little earlier Wednesday, PQ MP Pascal Bérubé warned François Legault. “I just want to say that the Bloc is more popular than the CAQ and that the CAQ is more popular than François Legault. So I don’t know what’s going on with François Legault, but if he wants to fight against the Bloc, he will find the Bloc in his way in 2026,” he said at a press briefing.
A statement that Yves-François Blanchet did not want to comment on, saying only that it was “a normal conflict” between the opposition and the government.
The PQ, for its part, says it was surprised by François Legault’s statement. “I don’t know what’s going on with the CAQ, but they seem to be looking at their options for the next federal election, and if they want to deal with Pierre Poilievre’s ‘common sense’, go ahead and make a decision. new friend,” added Pascal Bérubé.
“It serves to keep Justin Trudeau in power”
Moreover, at the federal level, the Conservative leader was quick to adopt François Legault’s comments. On the social network
“The Bloc serves to keep Trudeau in power. It’s expensive to vote Bloc! »wrote Pierre Poilievre above the image.
The Conservative leader also mentioned it during a press briefing Wednesday in Kitchener, Ontario. “I saw that the Prime Minister of Quebec said: ‘What is the Bloc for? What is the Bloc for?” The answer: it serves to keep Justin Trudeau in power because the Bloc supports tax increases, inflationary deficit increases, tax increases and the release of repeat criminal offenders,” he said.
Remember that François Legault called for voting for the federal Conservative Party in 2021. He has not reiterated this support since Pierre Poilievre became head of the political party.
Yves-François Blanchet doubts that the CAQ will support the Conservatives again.