Yvan Colonna’s family sues the State, claiming that the prison administration is “legally responsible for his death”

The parents, wife, brother, sister and two children of the Corsican independence activist “consider that the prison administration is legally responsible for his death”, explained Me Patrice Spinosi, one of the family lawyers.

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The family of Yvan Colonna, the Corsican independence activist sentenced for the assassination of the prefect Erignac, initiated an action against the State, Wednesday April 6, before the administrative court of Marseille for his fatal attack by a fellow prisoner on March 2 in the prison of Arles (Bouches-du-Rhône). The parents, wife, brother, sister and two children of Yvan Colonna “consider that the prison administration is legally responsible for his death”explained Me Patrice Spinosi, one of the family lawyers.

“The various elements of the investigation reported by the press and the parliamentary hearings have only fueled the suspicion that the attack suffered by Yvan Colonna is directly linked to a series of administrative dysfunctions“, adds the lawyer. He recalls that article 44 of the law of November 24, 2009 provides that “the prison administration must ensure that each detained person has effective protection of his physical integrity in all collective and individual places”.

“The State is thus required to compensate the heirs of a prisoner who died as a result of violence committed within a prison establishment by another prisoner”observes Me Spinosi, who told AFP that he was claiming 200,000 euros in damages for Yvan Colonna and 100,000 euros for each member of his family.

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