Youth today | The Press

In a video clip from the podcast Contact by Stéphan Bureau which has been circulating on social networks since December, we see filmmaker Denys Arcand telling that screenwriting students requested his dismissal after just one course.

Arcand had asked them to take a great novel, “any”, he said, and to adapt a chapter for the cinema. He gave as an example Anna Karenina, Madame Bovary, War and peace, The Red and the Black. Arcand says a student raised his hand and asked, “Are those names you just said books?” »

No one in the class had read a single one of these novels, Arcand points out. Nor those of Hemingway or Faulkner. There was a “dead silence” when it came to The stranger.

The professor decided to cancel the rest of the course as well as that of the following week, in order to allow his students to “look for a paper object with letters on it, and it will be marked novel”, recounts Arcand with his irony usual.

The students, explains the filmmaker to Stéphan Bureau, immediately demanded his dismissal from management. “We are here to write. We’re not here to read! ”, they told him. This is how the excerpt ends, which promotes Contact.

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