Youth protection: “I contribute” grows

In addition to aiming to help the health network, the “I contribute” site will make it possible to hire, in particular retirees, to come and lend a hand to the youth protection network.

The people recruited through the platform will obtain a job “linked to one of the different stages of the intervention process, but more particularly to the stage of the evaluation of the reports”, specifies a press release sent Wednesday by the cabinet of Lionel Carmant, Minister for Health and Social Services.

Quebec wishes in particular to recruit professionals authorized to perform acts reserved for the evaluation of reports, such as social workers, psychoeducators and criminologists.

It will also hire “counselors or trainees with present or previous experience in youth protection” and such workers or trainees who do not have such experience, but who have knowledge in the matter.

“Our stakeholders are doing a remarkable job, and it is time to offer them more support in the context of the labor shortage and health crisis,” wrote Minister Carmant. The well-being of children is at the heart of this action. “

Quebec launched the “I contribute” platform from the start of the pandemic, Prime Minister François Legault even calling on all those who can to “enlist” to contribute to the efforts. In the past few days, health officials have indicated they are looking to hire more than 500 vaccinators through the platform.

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