youth organizations, supported by La France insoumise, will parade in Paris

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12:00 p.m. : It’s noon, time to make a new point on the news:

• A dozen youth organizations marched on Saturday in Paris against the pension reform, actively supported by La France insoumise which hopes “bounce” on the success of the inter-union mobilization on Thursday. Follow our live.

• A third of the savings made by the pension reform proposed by the government will be used to better develop everyone’s careers, said Civil Service Minister Stanislas Guerini on franceinfo. Among the measures envisaged, the Minister for the Civil Service highlighted in particular the introduction of “gradual retirement” for teachers.

• Moscow has promised to take retaliatory measures against French media in Russia after the bank accounts of RT France, the French branch of the Russian channel RT which is suspended in the EU, were frozen. Follow our live.

• After Amazon, Meta and Microsoft, it’s the turn of Alphabet, the parent company of Googleto announce a large-scale social plan with the elimination of around 12,000 jobs worldwide, or just over 6% of its total workforce.

10:40 a.m. : “It is absolutely necessary to continue to convince, to present in detail the pension reform project that the government has prepared“, urged Stanislas Guerini, Minister of Transformation and Public Service, guest of franceinfo.

10:11 a.m. : To defend its decried pension reform, the government hammers an element of language. “Nearly four out of ten workers will be able to retire before age 64”, assured the government spokesman, Olivier Véran. True or false ? Quang Pham takes stock.

09:36 : “You have to tell young people not to be exploited, this demonstration today is actually pushed by La France Insoumise which very often wants to recover it.”

Stanislas Guerini, Minister of Transformation and Public Service, denounced on franceinfo the Parisian demonstration against the pension reform planned for today.

09:10 : It’s time for the first point on the news of the day :

• A dozen youth organizations marched on Saturday in Paris against the pension reform, actively supported by La France insoumise which hopes “bounce” on the success of the inter-union mobilization on Thursday.

• The two candidates for the head of the Socialist Party, Olivier Faure and Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol, agreed to meet on Saturday at 1 p.m. in a verification committee to examine all the results, at the end of a very eventful 24 hours.

• Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky believes there is no “no other option” Westerners sending heavy tanks to his country, while kyiv’s allies decided nothing at a meeting in Ramstein (Germany).

• After Amazon, Meta and Microsoft, it’s the turn of Alphabet, the parent company of Googleto announce a large-scale social plan with the elimination of around 12,000 jobs worldwide, or just over 6% of its total workforce.

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