“You’re kidding with your face”: Pascale Arbillot talks about her too many botox sessions

A great team, this is the program that awaits you this Sunday evening on France 2. A film with an XXL cast, between Kad Merad, Alban Ibanov, Sabrina Ouazani or even Pascale Arbillot. The latter shines in this feature film, due to its elegance and beauty. A radiant face, which the 52-year-old actress has changed since she has had recourse to aesthetic medicine. She embarked on this adventure after suffering very severe criticism about her physique, as she revealed in an interview with the magazine SHE, published on October 23, 2020.

“I was told that my cheeks were too thin. That I wrinkled too much… So I did a little too much Botox: it shows in Coco [le film de Gad Elmaleh, sorti en 2009, NDLR], I find. It was a friend who opened my eyes by saying to me: ‘Here you are kidding with your face.’ But emancipating oneself from the injunctions that weigh on actresses is not always easy” she confided, then admitting to having abused this practice.

“In the thick of life”

Amanda Lear, Evelyne Thomas, Zazie… Pascale Arbillot is not the only one to have succumbed. But the actress Small Handkerchiefs also took advantage of this interview to discuss another personal problem, this time related to her health: the disease of endometriosis which she suffers from. “This disease made me enter the heart of life very early. It made the actress, the friend, the mother, the woman that I am today”she explained with great sincerity.

This did not prevent her from getting pregnant and then giving birth in 2005 to a little boy named Léonard. To believe The Parisian, it was born out of her former relationship with director Bruno Chiche. In the past, she had a love affair with actor, screenwriter and director Artus de Penguern. He died in 2013 following a stroke, before being buried in the Père-Lachaise cemetery.

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