“You’re going to be a dad” by Cédric Rostein

It’s true that in general the books are mainly interested in future mothers… Well with “Tu vas être papa” by Cédric Rostein published by First Editions, things are changing, and that’s good!

A very practical book (and very pretty, which doesn’t spoil anything!) which reviews what awaits the future dad. Because if for the future mother, it is a physical and moral upheaval, the fact remains that the father too can be shared between emotion, stress and questioning.

No, the birth of a child is no longer just “a woman’s affair” and that’s good. In this book, Cédric Rostein, himself a young dad, recounts his adventure, his anxieties, his doubts and gives all the keys to future dads, to experience this event as serenely as possible. And the sequel! Because you have to find your place, make the right decisions, really be in the accompaniment…. It makes you dizzy, doesn’t it?

In our podcast, Cédric Rostein tells us his first concern, once the emotion passed, when he learned that he was going to be a dad and explains his vision of “a good dad”. For those who do not know him, know that Cédric Rostein is a therapist, animator of the “Triarch Dad” Podcastcommitted and militant.

And I would like to say a word of Blachette, the illustrator talent who also worked on this book. She works a lot on social networks, she has a sense of humor and her characters are very successful.

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