Your tickets to win for Olivier de Benoist’s show on France Bleu Champagne-Ardenne!

The comedian Olivier de Benoistwho had started his career studying law, finally found his calling in writing and comedy, fortunately for us.

20 years on the front of the stage

In the early 2000s, his shows Born under X and Loft Sorry meet with great success. After gaining visibility through the show We only ask to laugh presented by Laurent Ruquier, he has a string of successes with his new show Very very high speed.

His caustic humor and his privileged relationship with his audience allow him to gain notoriety and above all, to last: he has been making his audience smile and laugh for almost 20 years!

At the same time, it becomes father of four children. After talking about his wife and his mother-in-law in his previous shows, Olivier de Benoist now “attacks” his offspring in his last show he will play this February 24 in Troyes, namely the youngest. The contraception through humorit was necessary to think about it and it is clear that the bet is generally successful by Olivier de Benoist!

Tour teaser

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The show, as rhythmic as it is original, is worth its weighing in gold. In particular, you will learn valuable advice from this “model father”. As usual with the comedian, everything is mastered with some brilliance and we don’t get bored.

To win your tickets

We invite you to discover for yourself the youngest and so, on this occasion, France Blue Champagne-Ardenne you offer your seats to 0.809.400.500 (price of a local call).

The show takes place, as a reminder, on Thursday, February 24 from 8 p.m. to Troyes Champagne Theater. If the adventure tempts you, don’t wait any longer to play!

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