Parental support
You are quite right. The problem is not the children in most cases, it is the parents. I have spent my entire career in education, I have seen all kinds. Parents don’t know how to control their children and they expect the school to do it for them. They don’t support teachers. Me, I told them that in June, I would have finished with their child, but that they were for life. It usually made them react for the best. When the parents and the school work together, the student is better supervised and it often works miracles.
Claire Beaulieu
Parenting skills
Unfortunately, there are no courses for parents, to develop parenting skills that will ensure that children from 0 to 5 years old are educated optimally and that they arrive at school ready to learn. Could we focus on prevention by emphasizing targeted information on the role and parental responsibilities? The government has a big role to play, it would gain on all points, economically too, you mentioned this in a previous report. When will we understand this?
Alain Samson
The value of effort
We believe it all starts at home. Insisting that the child make the effort to look for errors in his texts, to revise his lessons is not a trivial task. But it is the start towards an assumed maturity. As parents, it is about establishing our marks, our attitude towards the value of effort and encouraging our child’s perseverance. Children’s learning will be commensurate with the efforts made in the past, sometimes with great difficulty, while our children will be able to make the connection with their experience.
Huguette and Gilles Dorion
The child before the cell phone
Could it be that parents do not know how to educate their children? These parents must turn off their cell phones, turn off their child’s and start talking to him, listening to him and playing with him, then doing family activities. In other words: let go of social networks and put your children at the center of your life.
Michelle Bachand
learning to compromise
Discipline begins at home. We need more present parents. We have to stop giving children everything they want to buy some peace and quiet. Teach them that life is made of compromises, of love, of inequalities.
Ghislaine Naud
In the courtyard of the teachers
Parents have lost all responsibility for their children’s education and throw everything in the hands of teachers, whom they accuse of being bad teachers. The big problem is the parents!
Jacques Lapointe
They lack exercise
As mentioned in the article: lack of physical activity. The school program may no longer be appropriate to the situation. If we included a period of outdoor activity at the start of the day through games to get the children to spend their excess energy, perhaps they would be more receptive in class and calmer. When I am stressed, a good walk brings me a relaxation that I did not have before this activity. That’s one of the reasons kids have a hard time these days.
Sylvie Chamberland
Let them live their childhood
For me, the question should be: what is wrong with today’s parents? Let the children have time to live their childhood! There are toddlers who have a minister’s agenda!
Suzanne Beliveau
King children and their tablet
The problem is not at school, but first and foremost in families. Many parents rely on the tablet to keep the children busy and also rely on the school to educate them… when it has become too late! However, this is not the role of the school. Too many little child kings to whom we have never said NO arrive at school and we are surprised that “they throw tantrums” at the slightest refusal or the slightest frustration.
Rene Rochon, Bromont
Collective awareness is needed. I have always believed that parental absence in favor of consumer goods is one of the main causes. A child needs attention and guidance all day to develop, not just in daycare and school.
Celine Duhamel
Respect and obedience
Two simple things, which have been lost over time: respect and obedience, it’s as simple as that. I just came back from a month in Vietnam and they don’t have these problems at all, because they have kept these fundamental values. Well, that makes all the difference!
Francine Lemay

“More sports and educational activities to bring learning to life, not suffer it,” wishes Karo Labelle.
Energize teaching
I am a mother of a boy with an intervention plan and despite all the efforts that parents and school staff can invest, the fact remains that a large part of the problem is the learning model which seems outmoded.
When I question my son, I hear his deep boredom when he has to sit for hours swallowing notions that seem so abstract to him.
If only the subject could be taught actively and not passively.
More sport and educational activities to bring learning to life, not suffer it. Wouldn’t it help if the pedagogical approach were boosted to compete with TikTok, YouTube and Fortnite of this world?
Imagine more recreational and educational activities that involve young people and through which they would be able to acquire a variety of knowledge (savoir-vivre, savoir-être and pedagogy). It is the principle of outschools…
Karo Labelle