Posted at 1:00 p.m.
Cradled by air conditioning
In addition to suffering from the heat in cities in hot weather, it happens that those who do not have an air conditioner also suffer from the mechanical noise that the machine produces. Personally, I constantly hear three air conditioners near my house. The worst time is at night, with the window open to let in some fresh air. I read in The Illustrated Petit Larousse “The hum of the train rocked us. The hum of the air conditioners lulls me too, but violently. Another inconvenience caused by climate change. Warmer summers are expected. I’m going to have to get used to wearing earplugs that horrify me.
Sylvio Le Blanc, Montreal
About emergency triage

Emergency care professionals (EMTs and nurses) should be trusted to strictly redirect patients to a clinic or other resource that is better suited to their problem, writes the author.
In response to the opinion of Mr. Denis Boulanger, I would like to re-establish the facts concerning the operation of triage in emergency rooms in Quebec.
First of all, it is interesting to underline that an individual with a different professional background wants to contribute to the improvement of the health system. On the other hand, he would have to know a little bit about the problem, in order to be able to solve it.
Be aware that all patients presenting to the emergency room are triaged by the triage nurse, not by the paramedics, nor by a nurse in a pharmacy or in a private residence for the elderly. The triage nurse has specific training for this function, several years of experience and specific skill in assessing patients who may have an acute condition requiring immediate intervention. Even if the patient arrives by ambulance, he may very well have chosen these pre-hospital care professionals for the sole purpose of transporting him to the emergency room for a minor problem, thus automatically redirected to the waiting room.
To regulate emergency room traffic, assigning appointments on site would not solve anything, since many patients would continue to present themselves for problems that do not require the resources available in the hospital environment.
Emergency rooms should not be walk-in clinics open 24 hours a day. Trust should be given above all to emergency care professionals (paramedics and nurses) who could strictly redirect patients to a clinic or other resource that would be better suited to their problem.
Let the nurses and paramedics take care of the minor problems, and so the doctors can better manage the complex problems, which is what they were trained to do.
Yanick Blanchard, clinical nurse in the emergency room
About Accessory Living Units (ADUs)
Nathalie Collard’s July 25 editorial elicited many reactions.

An accessory dwelling can take various forms, including a two- or multi-generational dwelling, the addition of a floor or a garden pavilion, the transformation of a garage into a dwelling.
A matter of peace
I’m against. When we bought our houses, the zoning allowed single-family homes and nothing else. It is a matter of tranquility and densification of the surrounding population. If cities want to allow it, let them do it in new neighborhoods where the buyer will do it knowingly.
France Gingras
The Laval initiative is hailed
I totally agree with this concept. It is time to modernize and vary the housing supply in Quebec. I really like the approach of the urban planning firm Arpent. Congratulations to Laval for this new policy. I would like my city, Gatineau, to adopt this policy as well. There is clearly too much urban sprawl in the Outaouais.
Chantal Murray, Gatineau
Motorboats and you
The opinion piece titled “Pleasure at all costs is not without price” published on Saturday sparked a strong debate in our inbox.

A personal watercraft near the Îles-de-Boucherville park
Praise of sobriety in our leisure
Thank you for this refreshing perspective. Sobriety in the choice of our leisure activities is an essential contribution to the improvement of the environmental climate. Reducing our polluting footprints is not synonymous with being bored… Slowing down, settling for little and enjoying the holiday period peacefully revitalizes the body and nourishes the soul. Everyone has the power to simplify their vacation plans and thus demonstrate concretely that their leisure choices can contribute to personal fulfillment and the common good. It is a responsibility that falls on each of us.
Louise Caron, Quebec
A certain form of inertia
Honestly, few people around me who are very educated, well off, and very aware of environmental challenges deprive themselves of any freedom for environmental reasons. All are waiting for government obligations. Without large-scale political courage, only resource depletion and prices will make a difference.
Hugo Martel
A trip to the museum?
Mr. Corbin, I really liked your reflection on the pleasures that are too high in carbon, at least until the last paragraph… I would like to point out that I have no solution to change these enthusiasts of personal watercraft and other motor boats that are harmful to tranquility. of many of us as much as for the erosion of the banks, but from there to suggest a group visit to the museum? ? ?
Francois Labbe, Sherbrooke
Françoise Riopelle, source of inspiration
Very good idea to highlight this great lady who passed in the shadow of her illustrious and imposing husband and to make us discover her remarkable journey. A great inspiration for all!
Sylvie Roulier
About the Pope’s visit

Pope Francis in Edmonton on Tuesday.
Statement of an apostate
I am an atheist and have apostatized from the Catholic Church. If the pope has any semblance of good will, he should do as Jesus did who took the beginners out of the temple, not by long negotiations, but with force and speed. Colonialism is a matter of Western Judeo-Christian monarchy and the Catholic Church which instigated and supported it in the worst possible way. He should denounce this part of history in which the Catholic Church has played a leading role. At the same time, Mary Simon should, on behalf of the queen she represents, confirm that colonialism by England has led to cultural genocide, and in some current cases, of indigenous peoples.
Daniel Larose
blame the institution
Fortunately, our Church slayers are there to correct the Pope’s apology speeches. It is the institution that must be blamed and not the individuals who had no other responsibilities than those of applying the standards enacted in high places.
Benoit Lauziere
Disappointment at the Botanical Garden

The Plant Expedition and its captain, François Delarozière, at the Montreal Botanical Garden.
Recently, we could read that a “flying” greenhouse had landed in Montreal to carry out experiments at the Botanical Garden. On the site of the Botanical Garden, we were delighted to have been selected for this project. Saturday evening, when we were looking for ways to occupy the last hours of the day with the children, we decided to visit this greenhouse, thinking that it would undoubtedly be an educational and impressive visit. On site, there was no doubt that the huge metal structure was not flying.
We quickly became disenchanted with the scientific aspect of our evening. It was more like a continuous show where a fake team “maintained” the ship. Members of the “crew” assured visitors that the craft could fly using plant energy. Many clearly believed it…
At a time when it is already difficult to distinguish the true from the false, if it is also necessary that our highly credible institutions such as the Botanical Garden and Space for Life sometimes give us the truth and sometimes play on fantasy, how will we to know ? I’m worried about our collective knowledge. Some see it as a masterstroke, I only see a marketing stunt that borders on trickery.
Marie-Eve Hébert, Montreal