Your reactions to the text “The all-inclusive travel package must change”

Many of you commented on Yves Baril*’s opinion piece on all-inclusive packages. Here is an overview of the emails received.

Posted at 2:00 p.m.

Smart on vacation

I completely agree. Cruise packages have been a little less popular since the pandemic, because people have felt unsafe in these virus breeding grounds. But creating a floating city running on oil and spreading its sewers everywhere isn’t particularly glorious either. An all-inclusive hotel doesn’t do much better by pumping up the groundwater and drawing as much as possible from the local population. Why do we want so much to find ourselves on vacation in places where we are no longer responsible for anything and where the rules normally dictated by common sense no longer prevail? Let’s ask ourselves questions, collectively and individually. We can also be smart on vacation.

Marie Andree Boivin

Travel locally

I feel like starting with a ” okay boomer »… I am like you, against food waste, but I wonder what you expected when you went there. By going there, you participate in feeding this polluting system. And we must not lie to ourselves, the reality is that the bulk of the pollution in these trips comes from the emissions of the plane. As long as we rethink the waste in all-inclusives, why not completely review the model of our holidays and make sure to travel more locally, more ecologically? It will also have a beneficial effect on our local economy.

Pacôme Allain

Ashamed and embarrassed

Just got back from an all-inclusive trip and had the same thoughts as this gentleman. I, too, felt ashamed and embarrassed in front of less affluent employees. There is real waste and my hotel was a top-of-the-range hotel with European tourists. I don’t know the solution, but we have to rethink the trip.

France Michaud, Montreal

Food waste

I have worked in the restaurant industry for more than 30 years and I realize that waste has always been part of it. It’s really time to see it. There are so many people who don’t have enough to eat.

Nicole Gibeault

Disappeared notions

Education, good citizenship, good manners… do these words mean something to you? Instead of prohibiting certain vacation formulas, let’s start by bringing up to date these notions whose disappearance is strongly felt well beyond the all-inclusive buffets.

Patrick Fiset

A good lesson

I totally agree with your comment. I’ve taken several all-inclusive trips before the pandemic and the mess was abominably disgusting. The same scenario occurs on cruises. Five years before the pandemic, I was spending my retirement months in countries where food is worth its weight in gold until now. All-inclusives are over. I congratulate you on your article, if only it could serve as a lesson to the selfish people of this world.

Alice Levy Knafo

No more buffets

So much truth in this article. We have just returned from a stay in a region of Quebec and I made the same sad observation. Overflowing plates of food that are finally eaten only a quarter to go get another and do the same. And what’s more, the buffet formula is queen; one where everyone handles the same utensils to help themselves. We know that the virus is still circulating, that the seventh wave is among us, but nothing helps. It is served to who better better without the slightest concern for hygiene. No thank you, it’s over for us, the all-you-can-eat buffets. It’s outdated and revolting, all this waste.

Hyacinth Benoit

A formula to review

The waste in the multiple buffets offered to all-inclusive travelers is indeed disturbing, not to say indecent. The buffet formula all you can eat open at all hours of the day and sometimes at night is to be reviewed. As for shocking customers if hotels take this approach, I think that’s a false excuse. On the contrary, I think a lot of customers are ready for it. There is a way to offer a large selection of meals in sufficient quantity while avoiding waste. This way of doing things is also valid for our buffets. A few years ago (before the pandemic), I was shocked to see the employees of a chicken restaurant offering a monstrous salad bar filling the serving dishes to the brim when there weren’t that many customers. than that and that the restaurant was closing in less than 90 minutes. To my question “what do you do with the leftovers?” I was candidly answered: “Well, we throw them away. »

Lucie Belanger

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