“Your piano is still dancing” by Jean-Marc Sauvagnargues, a tribute to Michel Berger

Jean-Marc Sauvagnargues has discovered his passion for music thanks to the albums of Michel Berger. First with “November 67” then “Saudade”.

Then comes 2020 and these weeks of deprivation of stages, concerts, the public… of his work. Of the free time available that he gives him the opportunity to get serious at the piano. He was already practicing but the only title he could play in full was at best “Liberated Woman”… and above all he didn’t want to play the piano, he wanted play Michel Berger. Michel Berger who left us almost 30 years ago.

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And then comes this question: “If the songs were recorded today, how would they be?”. It is therefore new releases songs of his Master which he decided to propose on his 3rd solo album. A personal reading but without ever betraying the original texts and melodies.

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