“Your cameraman is on the phone during the interview”, Valérie Pécresse grills a member of “Elysée 2022” in full live, big discomfort on set!

“Tested positive for Covid, I am continuing the campaign remotely and in compliance with health rules. All our meetings are maintained thanks to the mobilization of the team”, tweeted Valérie Pécresse during the day on Thursday, March 24. What upset his presidential campaign? The politician was to go to Bordeaux this Friday, March 25, but “the meeting will be hosted by someone else”, it was said in her entourage. This person will be his campaign manager, Patrick Stefanini. His trip on Saturday March 26 in the Bouches-du-Rhône “is canceled”, we added. Despite mild symptoms, such as a cold, Valérie Pécresse still participated in the Élysée 2022 show on France 2 but by videoconference. She succeeded Jean-Luc Mélenchon, also invited as Nathalie Arthaud or Jean Lassalle.

“I just wanted to know how you are, if you can hear me well this evening and how you approach these last 15 days of campaign having the covid?”asked Léa Salamé. “Listen today, everything is pretty much fine, except that I can hear myself echoing in my headset and your cameraman is on TV so it’s very, very complicated to do the interview for me tonight but put other than that”replied the last guest of the show Facing Baba on C8 with Cyril Hanouna. A program during which the candidate of the Republicans debated with Fabien Roussel, Marion Maréchal or even Adrien Quatennens. “I have a few symptoms but nothing serious, I will resume traveling when I am no longer positive”.

Then she faced Anne-Sophie Lapix to talk about the economy. But the tete-a-tete between the two women was disrupted by a few technical problems that delighted viewers and Internet users… or not.

See also: Live on France 2, Anne-Sophie Lapix makes a big slip against Valérie Pécresse


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