Your 2 places to test the new Futuroscope attraction, Saturday June 25: Tornado hunters

Do you have the soul of an adventurer? Do you like thrills? Book your Saturday, June 25, because it might shake. Thanks to France Bleu Poitou, you will be the first to test the new Futuroscope attraction “Chasseurs de Tornades”.
You will dive into the heart of a circular LED screen, the largest in Europe, with special effects and live scenes. All this on a platform that goes up, down, tilts and turns. A unique experience in the world.
Tornado Hunters, an immersive attraction combining real scenery and live entertainment. Smoke, real flames, splashes of rain, eight huge fans taking care of the wind… The immersion in the tornado is total. You will need courage to face it.

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If you are ready to defy the elements and enter the heart of a raging tornado, register to win your 2 invitations.

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