“Young women stuck”, the humorist Booder restores the truth about the Miss France who participate in “Friday everything is allowed”!

A show that changed his vision. Maybe not people, but at least Miss France. Indeed, for 10 years, “Vendredi tout est permis” has made the French laugh by inviting different personalities. Arthur receiving comedians, actors, sportsmen, or even beauty queens. Many are the ex-Miss France to have accepted the invitation of the famous animator of TF1 to come and have a good time with the band and make games all more hilarious than each other. A choice that could surprise, given that these young women, during their reign, had to be perfect and always be presentable. However, in “Friday everything is permitted”, everyone has to get out of their comfort zone by accepting to sometimes make faces, fall on the ground, tell dirty jokes, or simply make faces.

Things that have always agreed to do Camille Cerf, Iris Mittenaere or Maëva Coucke who have all participated at least once in the TF1 program. If this may have surprised many viewers, it is above all the comedian Booder who still has trouble realizing that he was able to have fun alongside an ex-beauty queen who lets go completely. Which also allowed him to change his vision of these women as he confided to Télé-Loisirs during the filming of the 10th anniversary of “Friday everything is permitted”:

“It’s the only one where we don’t come to play our sketches. We come as we are in life. We laugh, we wink, like in life. It’s the only show where we can express our personality. C It is one of the only shows that mixes humorist, actor, singer, etc. to this extent. » he began before talking about the Miss France: “I discovered the Miss France differently thanks to Friday everything is permitted. We all have this image of stuck young women conveyed by the status they have, with this program they were able to show a facet of their personality “. The comedian, finally concluding by saluting the humor of these beauty queens and sending them many compliments: “whether Camille Cerf, Iris Mittenaere or Maëva Coucke, they are very funny young women who know how to throw very good valves. I’m a fan of them.”


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