young students have returned to pre-health crisis levels


France 3

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The results of national assessments of students in CP, CE1 and 6 have been unveiled Tuesday, November 16 by the National Education. The journalist Sophie Piard, presents on the France 3 12/13 set, takes stock of the results.

According to the results of national assessments unveiled Tuesday, November 16 by the National Education, the students have returned to their pre-crisis level. Among the many tests carried out last September, notably the recognition of letters in first grade. “This year, 64.1% of children manage to distinguish them“, explains la journalist Sophie Piard, present Tuesday, November 16 on the set of 12/13 of France 3. It is therefore a better result than in 2019, where the rate was 59%. In 2020, in the midst of a health crisis, 57.4% of children recognized letters.

Regarding reading whole numbers in CE1, “78.4% of students know how to manage this year, against 74.7% last year “, specifies the journalist. Moreover, in 6th year, we still observe a difference between girls and boys in the mastery of French and mathematics. “French is more the business of girls: 92.1% master text comprehension, boys show a return of five points. A trend that is reversed in mathematics: 73.6% of boys juggle calculations against 70.9% of girls“, continues Sophie Piard.

This study also notes a Covid effect on reading speed. “Only half of young people who arrive in 6th have the expected level: 120 words read per minute“, qualifies the journalist, who adds that in the priority education network, one in three children does not reach 90 words per minute, ie a level at the end of CE2.

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