young refugee girls were welcomed in Périgueux


France 3

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In France, an unprecedented outpouring of solidarity has reached towns and villages in order to welcome Ukrainian exiles. Report in a leisure center in Périgueux, where three little girls reconnect with the joys of children after experiencing the war.

Three little Ukrainian girls are going to spend time at the Roche-Chalais leisure center (Dordogne) for the second time. “It allows children to forget a little bit about the horrors they experienced ten days ago. [Elles] were very, very warmly welcomed. (…) [Elles] lived their lives as children, and that’s what’s most important”comments Natalya Gappini, a friend of the family.

Welcomed for a week with their mother by relatives, the children find themselves propelled into a new country that is unknown to them. The staff of the leisure center has devised a method with images to facilitate communication. Despite the many adults present during the day at the center, the little girls nevertheless rushed to the markers, to indulge in children’s desires.

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